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How to Choose a Home Décor Style That You Will Love

How to Choose a Home Décor Style That You Will Love

How to Choose a Home Décor Style That You Will Love

It is really important to find a style that you love when it comes to decorating your home. You will most likely be spending a significant amount of money if you are remodeling your house, so it is crucial that you take the time to choose a style that is perfect for you. It also goes without saying that you are probably going to have to look at the décor that you have chosen for years to come, so it is essential that you choose it wisely!

If you aren’t naturally gifted in the area of interior design, the thought of redecorating your home may make you feel quite overwhelmed at first. After all, in this day and age, we are both blessed and cursed with the fact that there are just so many different styles to choose from. The top 20 decorating styles for this year are Transitional, Traditional, Modern, Eclectic, Contemporary, Minimalist, Mid-century Modern, Bohemian, Modern Farmhouse, Shabby Chic, Coastal, Hollywood Glamour, Southwestern, Rustic, Industrial, French Country, Scandinavian, Mediterranean, Art Deco and Asian Zen. As you can see, there really are so many different designs to choose from!

Perhaps you have a lot of different ideas and this is stopping you from focusing on one particular style of décor. Maybe you are the complete opposite and you only like one style of décor. It is also quite possible that you are a mix of the two and your style is a little bit of this and a little bit of that! Figuring out what you love, like, dislike and downright hate is a steady and ongoing process. Nevertheless, it is certainly worth spending the time to find this out before you begin spending your hard-earned money!

Here at My Native Dreams Gift Shop, we believe that if you choose a home décor style that suits your personality, you should feel much more confident when decorating your home. Your home should showcase who you truly are as a person. We also believe that there is no need to limit your house to one particular style - you could have a different style in every room! Perhaps you lived by the ocean as a child and have fond memories of time spent at the beach. You therefore might find it easy to decorate your bathroom with a Coastal theme. Imagine neutral colors - whites, blues, and beiges - together with distressed furniture and houseplants. Maybe you are the type of person who absolutely cannot stand clutter. In that case, you may find it simple to decorate your bedroom with a Minimalist theme. Picture straightforward forms, clean lines, and simplistic finishes.

How to Choose a Home Décor Style That You Will Love

Keep reading for our top tips on helping you choose a home décor style that you will love.

Open up your closet!

Go and open up your closet and take out the clothes that you love to wear again and again. Take a good look at the colors, and you will automatically see which shades you are drawn to. Also take a note of the fabrics and whether there are any specific patterns that you like.

Walk around your home as it is

You might be thinking about remodeling your home, but that doesn’t mean that you will be throwing everything away! There are bound to be some items that you love and couldn’t bear the thought of parting with. Walk around your home and collect all of the items that you have strong positive feelings towards. Put all of the items in one place and take a photo. These items tell a story about your life. Use them in your decorating journey to expand upon this story!

Go and explore!

Use this project as an excuse to take a few days to visit lots of different places around your neighborhood. You could take a trip to visit some museums and art galleries. You could also visit a highly rated hotel, as most four or five-star hotels will have paid an interior designer to design the main rooms that are open to the public, such as the lobby, bar, and restaurant.

Blue Capiz Dolphins

You could also get out into the natural world and take inspiration from Mother Nature herself. Take a look at some of our wall decor inspired by nature, such as these Blue Capiz Dolphins or this Blue & White Turtle.

Blue & White Turtle

Gather ideas elsewhere

Of course, you could always purchase some interior design magazines to help get your creative juices flowing. Additionally, think about your favorite movies, TV shows and music videos for further encouragement.