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How To Make DIY Glittered Glass Jars Candle Holders

How To Make DIY Glittered Glass Jars Candle Holders

How To Make DIY Glittered Glass Jars Candle Holders

There’s something truly satisfying about DIY arts and crafts. Homemade gifts are always appreciated for the love and care you’ve put into them, or you could keep your creations all to yourself. These items are best for fall and winter as they are perfect for holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and Hanukkah. However, they can be given all year-round as birthday presents, housewarming, graduation, or thoughtful anniversary gifts. Let us walk you through five fuss-free steps to making your own glittered glass jar candle holders. All you need are four thick rubber bands, your favorite color of glitter, glue, a paintbrush, and your glass jar.

Step one

Step one

You need to choose the perfect glass jar. Luckily, there’s no need to visit the store as you probably have many of these in your home already. A sturdy washed-out marmalade or pickle jar will work perfectly, which is good for the environment and your wallet. Once you have your candle holder, you should artfully wrap your thick rubber bands around it. The rubber bands can overlap each other in an abstract fashion, or you can keep a neatly regimented distance between them - you have full creative license! For another design twist, you may like to use bands of different thicknesses to create an interesting contrast. Make sure the bands are tightly wrapped as you don’t want any glue getting underneath them later on.

Step two

For this step, a simple paintbrush from the dollar store will do. Get the same kind kids use for poster paints; there's no need for anything fancy. Now, using your paintbrush, coat your glass jar in a thin layer of glue, keeping it nice and even. We recommend the specialist mod podge glue, which is available at most arts and crafts stores. However, simple PVA will work, too. Then, roll your coated jar over a pile of glitter until it is evenly coated. A single color of glitter works wonderfully. Alternately you may like to mix two shades together for extra visual drama. Consider a fun mixture of red and gold, blue and silver, or green and red. Glitter has a bad habit of getting everywhere, so it’s best to do this step on a plastic mat or even on some ripped-out pages from an old newspaper or magazine.

Step two

Step three

Once it is fully dry - and please don’t be tempted to rush this stage - peel the rubber bands off carefully. You don’t want to scrape off any of the glitter and glue mixture as you remove the bands. If any of the glue and glitter has gotten underneath the bands, which it often does, you can use a toothpick to scrape these overspills off. If they are really stubborn, another artist’s trick is to use a cotton swab soaked in acetone (nail polish remover). If you are a fan of the abstract style, you may like to leave the overspills as they offer a chaotic flourish.

Step four

To create a beautiful glaze and prevent the glitter from gradually dropping off and leaving the jar bare and patchy, cover the glitter with another thin layer of glue using the same brush. Again, mod podge really does work best here for a ceramic-style glaze. It is very important to only put a thin coating on. Otherwise, it will turn clumpy and cloudy, hiding your gorgeous glitter. Remember to keep your mat or newspaper under your glass jar for this stage to avoid vacuuming up glitter for days to come!

Step five

Fill and accessorize! A single scented tea light is a great choice for filling your home with gorgeous fragrances. You can even match the festive season, with scents of pumpkin spice for Thanksgiving, cranberry for Christmas, and frankincense for Hanukkah - although the smell of all the wonderful turkey and latkes may well overpower them! For a safer option, LED lights can recreate the flicker of a real flame and will still set the jar aglow beautifully. The brightness will really bring out the dazzle of the glitter.

Now, all you need to do is decide where to display it. Glittered glass jar candle holders can help create a delightfully cozy hygge aesthetic and are ideally placed in reading nooks or on grand mantelpieces. We find that homemade glitter jars work best as part of a larger arrangement with other candle holders. It will blend well with translucent pieces, such as the elegant Selenite candle holder.

Selenite candle holder